Which of following salt does not give borax bead test
In the reaction ${B_2}{O_3} + C + C{l_2} \to A + CO.$ The $A$ is
Which metal is protected by a layer of its own oxide
Give reasons:
$(i)$ Conc. $HNO _{3}$ can be transported in aluminium container.
$(ii)$ $A$ mixture of dilute $NaOH$ and aluminium pieces is used to open drain.
$(iii)$ Graphite is used as lubricant.
$(iv)$ Diamond is used as an abrasive.
$(v)$ Aluminium alloys are used to make aircraft body.
$(vi)$ Aluminium utensils should not be kept in water overnight.
$(vii)$ Aluminium wire is used to make transmission cables.
Write chemical reaction to prepare inorganic benzene $(B_3N_3H_6)$.
In which of the following reaction, the hybridisation of the central atom changes from $sp^2$ to $sp^3$ ?